Golden Quotes

1."The certainty in stock market is uncertainty in stock prices not profits"
2."Average investors who try to do a lot of trading will only make their brokers rich"
3."If a business does well, the stock eventually follows"
4."If you want to make money, have to take risk. Risk is good. But Not properly managing risk is a dangerous leap"
5."You need to have enough immediate profits that can finance the long-range growth without diluting the stock"
6." If your broker/advisor is not familiar with the concept of standard deviation of returns, get a new one"
7."The four most dangerous words in investing are, it’s different this time"
8."Never trust the man who tells you all his troubles but keeps from you all his joys"
9."Buy stocks on the assumption that they could close the market next day and not reopen it for five years"
10."Buy on the cannons, sell on the trumpets"
11."Obvious prospects for physical growth in a business do not translate into obvious profits for investors"
12."Emotions are your worst enemy in the stock market"
13."Market is combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation and whim"
14."Do not venture all eggs in one basket"
15."Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing"
16."The only reason to invest in the market is because you think you know something others do not"
17."If you don’t follow the stock market, you are missing some amazing drama"
18."If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time"
19."Looking for guaranteed tips? Search Beauty or Health pages not at stocks"
20."Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance"
21."When you go to buy, use your eyes, not your ears"
22."When you want to test the depths of a stream, don't use both feet"
23."Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day"
24."Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
25."Fast Ripe, Fast Rotten"
26."A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study"
27."Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors"
28."Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare"
29."Wait until it is night before saying that it has been a fine day"
30."When the product is right, you don't have to be a great marketer"


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